Group Mentoring

Coaching for ICF certification and ICF certification renewal

I would love to welcome you to this development opportunity along your coaching journey.

7 hours of group coaching

3 hours of 1:1 coaching

100% Online

What does group mentoring include?

Peer to peer coaching

Everyone will have an opportunity to be the coach and to be the client.

Direct mentoring feedback

Julie will offer direct mentoring feedback on each coaching session and observations and acknowledgements will also be shared by other participants.

Group mentoring sessions

During each session, there will be 2 coaching sessions of 20 minutes each (except for the final session where there will be 1 coaching session).

1:1 sessions

The 1:1 sessions will be booked privately with Julie and take place throughout the 3 month group experience or 1 month after. For each session, you will send Julie a pre-recorded coaching session in advance to receive feedback and mentoring during the 1:1 session. There is also an option to join for the 7 hours of group coaching only if you already have your 1:1 hours fulfilled.

The integrity and breadth and depth of the 8 ICF core competencies and code of ethics will be woven through all the sessions, allowing different competencies to be highlighted in each mentor coaching session.

Maximum of 6 participants and a minimum of 4.
Upcoming groups: Beginning in late 2023 and in 2024. Inquire for more info.

Group Mentoring 2023 Schedule



Group Mentoring Options

Group Mentoring + 1:1
7 hours of group mentoring
3 hours of 1:1 coaching
$1497 USD

Group Mentoring
7 hours of group mentoring
$905 US

Split payment available. Just ask Julie.

Benefits of being in a group mentoring experience, just to name a few!

Julie Cusmariu

About me

I’ve been a certified coach since 2007 and a certified mentor coach for 6 years (since 2016). I have hundreds of mentor coaching hours under my belt supporting individuals and groups of experienced and new coaches internationally. Including coaches and groups in Guangzhou China to Kenya, Africa and Montreal, Canada. I’m an ICF-certified professional coach, certified mentor coach, coach trainer and facilitator, and Intuitive Consultant with over 15 years in coaching and transformation. I train new and experienced coaches and mentors worldwide, facilitate coach education, and inspire meaningful coaching conversations. For over 10 years I’ve been interviewing thought leaders and bestselling authors on my widely listened to podcast Julie in Conversation. I’m pulled by curiosity, fuelled by passion, and both fascinated and humbled by the human experience, daily.

Once you experience mentoring in a group with other like minded coaches, the benefits are immediately obvious and invaluable to your personal and professional development as a coach.