Mentor Coaching

Obtain or renew your ICF coaching credential (ACC or PCC), hone your skills and strengths as a coach and nurture your unique style.

Mentor coaching involves coaching coaches who are looking to obtain a coaching certification or are looking to renew their credential with the International Coaching Federation.

The ICF defines a Mentor Coach as such…

A Mentor Coach, provides feedback and assessment based on the ICF Core Competencies. For the purposes of the ICF Credentialing process, Mentor Coaching is defined as providing professional assistance in achieving and demonstrating the levels of coaching competency demanded by the ICF Credential level sought by the coach-applicant.

Lectures and classroom activities are only part of the learning equation. The ICF believes that, in order to be effective, initial coach training and continuing professional education should include opportunities for individual practice, reflection and learning with the support of a skilled observer providing feedback. 

This is the role of the Mentor Coach.

Each mentor session involves direct feeedback on a 20-30 minute coaching call recording sent at least 2-3 days before the mentoring session.

Julie Cusmariu

About me

I am a Professional Certified Life Coach, PCC with 17 years of experience in the field of coaching, transformation and change. I am a trained ICF Certified Mentor Coach (since 2016) and I successfully completed the comprehensive ICF PCC Marker Accessor training course in 2021. I love mentoring individuals seeking to renew or obtain their ICF credential (ACC/PCC), who are committed to themselves, others and the profession. I also serve as a facilitator and coach educator and mentor on faculty at schools internationally, supporting individuals to grow and nurture their coaching skills, practice and style.  

My style as a mentor coach is calm, intuitive, motivating and compassionate. The work I do is deeply relational and ethically and competency-focused. You, the coach, are welcomed into a safe and inspiring learning space to grow your practice, skills and awareness as a coach and enjoy and feel the success and fulfillment of your development and learning. I look forward to supporting you in this enriching and rewarding experience.