Move in to the space of clarity and what IS possible

Dance Your Intuition is a truly unique experience. A professional and personal development opportunity that enriches the leader within.

I am passionate about hosting #DanceYourIntuition experiences. From what I’ve experienced repeatedly and have been told by others, is that Dance Your Intuition is an experience that stays with you for hours and days following. It’s an opportunity to bypass the landscape of the mental mind (often riddled by fear and resistance and rigidity), and move from from the ‘what- ifs’ and ‘what should-be’ and ‘ought- to- be’ to what’s here right now, present, vital, alive, open, moving and awake internally.

We all know that when we can take time to quiet the mental chatter and connect to the wisdom within, we all benefit. The impact is felt individually and collectively when we take the time to cultivate our skills for inner listening. We become attuned to ourselves, those around us and the systems and the environment we are a part of.

Bring innovation to your workplace and/or add a unique somatic leadership development experience to your retreat line-up or workshop space. Freedom and joy are a natural by-product of this experience and I am a grateful witness to it all.

For a one hour experience or 5 hour workshop come let yourself be danced, your inner intelligence has a way of knowing that will enlighten and satisfy you.

I look forward to dancing with you.

A unique leadership and professional development experience

Offer your employees, colleagues, clients and/or organization a moment to shift their focus, gain a new perspective, insight and clarity, and enrich their well-being. Please connect with me here, and I can let you know how we may work together.