Have you ever taken a 21 day challenge? 21 days to meditation or intuition? Are you up for it?

By Julie Cusmariu – August 23, 2010

Have you ever taken a 21 day challenge? 21 days to meditation or intuition? Are you up for it?

Of course I’m all for intuition and meditation but I’m not one to jump up at the prospect of a 30 day, 21 day or even  a 14 day challenge to do so.  I guess I’m more into experiencing the everyday challenges that arise naturally or that I seek out without a predetermined end date. I’m all for action and inspiration, and I’m all for determination and the realization of a vision (which I  find in my own unique way, thankfully), but I do feel slightly more repelled than compelled to enlist in a 21 day challenge.  As a result, I am interested to hear from those of you who have signed up to a 21 day challenge and what you experienced .  I imagine you experienced great benefit and I would love to hear about it in the comment box below.

Science seems to suggest that repetitive behavior for 21 days instills in us new habits.  So, please share what the benefits have been like for you?

The inspiration for this blog post, is due in fact to a 21 day challenge!  The Chopra Centre’s 21 day meditation challenge to be specific,which I was introduced to just this past week by my friend Tammy in California.  Though I have not taken on the challenge, I am drawn back to their web site almost each day to enjoy the daily meditations posted. Daily meditations are guided by Davidji– a very like-able and insightful meditation guide who is also the Lead Meditation Teacher and Dean of Chopra Center University ( Some days he posts audio meditations and other days he posts beautiful video meditations). In turn I want to share them with you.  So I am benefiting from this 21 day meditation challenge in my own way, at my own pace.  Perhaps you’ll enjoy them too!?

As a life coach I understand the philosophy and appeal of these 21 day challenges.  Accountability, self-responsibility and repetition of behaviors while gaining the support of  like minded individuals is extremely motivating.  And come to think of it,  maybe it’s something I could add to my list of  personal to do’s and also professional services that I offer going forward.  Maybe something like  ‘Julie’s 21 day intuition challenge‘ might  provide another way to support individuals looking to connect to their intuition ?

Wouldn’t taking 21 days to commit to anything you feel inspired by enrich your life ?


Though I began this blog post with a mild distaste for the idea of a 21 day challenge, in a matter of minutes, okay maybe hours, I’ve developed a new found  interest. I can’t say I am going to jump to it, but I realize that for whatever one decides to pursue and commit to wholeheartedly and with devotion, the journey is sure to be rich.  Please share your comments below and let me know what it’s been like for you and any other thoughts you may want to share.

Julie Cusmariu is a certified life coach, certified mentor coach, and intuitive consultant. She helps leaders and creative individuals trust their intuition and use their voice to create positive change, gain clarity, and lead with meaning and purpose. Julie is the host, creator, and producer of ‘Julie in Conversation’ a weekly live podcast with expert guests inspiring personal and collective change.
More About Julie

2 Responses to Have you ever taken a 21 day challenge? 21 days to meditation or intuition? Are you up for it?

  1. Jeni August 31, 2010 at 9:21 am #

    I loved how you shared about the difficulty of beginning a practice and your philosophy about meeting everyday challenges. I suppose I live in a similar way….but sometimes I wonder, should I invite more structure into my life and my practices?

    With that said, I have set up a most lovely meditation room in my home….and I love to glance into it now and again. It’s hysterical…so maybe, just maybe, I will accept the 21 day challenge. Maybe. Cheers!

  2. Julie August 31, 2010 at 12:24 pm #

    Thanks for your comment and for recapitulating my thoughts so succinctly and warmly. Ah yes…the difficulty of beginning a practice. More structure? A good question. You know makes me reflect on how I have been thinking about goals lately (which I put in the same category as structure and practice and planning)- I heard someone once say “goals are for hockey” and liked that. and then just last night I was reading professor Tal Ben Shahar’s book on Happiness (Happier) and he talks about the importance of having goals. He makes the point that it is how we perceive our goals that contributes to our level of happiness. See our goals as the means not the end. Process not end result so to speak. So seeing practice akin to process would be a great perception shift for me anyway! Thanks for your feedback and I would love to hear if you accept the 21 day challenge!

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