Tag Archives | alane freund

Alane Freund, High Sensitivity, Anxiety and ADHD

HSP, Anxiety and ADHD

Alane Freund is a cherished guest and friend of the podcast and we have had many conversations, always with a unique focus through the lens of High Sensitivity. In this episode as Alane put it best, we have come together around the theme of Mental Health Awareness Month. We weave in and around many topics, […]

Appreciate and apply your sensitivity as a powerful asset with Alane Freund, LMFT


Alane Freund, International Consultant on High Sensitivity and therapist as well as cherished guest and friend of the podcast, Julie in Conversation, has a meaningful and deeply helpful FREE event coming up on August 25th. Each time @alanefreundlmft and I join in conversation, I gain such transformative tools and insights on leading and relating to myself, my […]

Alane Freund, LMFT Honoring and managing your Sensitivity

Alane Freund

Download Apple Podcasts   www.AlaneFreund.com AreYouHighlySensitive.com Alane Freund, MS, MA, is an International Consultant on High Sensitivity (ICHS) and family therapist who helps highly sensitive people and their families focus on solutions through therapy, consultation, and speaking. She has developed numerous programs for highly sensitive people, families, teens, and clinicians who serve them. She is […]

Doubling up on Self-Care

self care

I’m reflecting on what I heard High Sensitivity expert and consultant (and cherished guest on my podcast) Alane Freund share the other day, which landed me, in just the right place. Alane said especially right now, in these times, we need to be “DOUBLING UP ON SELF-CARE.” Alane also said, “When it gets hard, it’s harder […]

Alane Freund on being a Highly Sensitive Person in uncertain times.

Alane Freund

  Listen to Alane Freund, for the 2nd time on the podcast, help us navigate these uncertain times, back to school season and living with uncertainty, so that we can manage, normalize and honour our sensitivity and even thrive. Listen for Alane’s wonderful insight, candor, support, experience and of course sensitivity. A lot was covered […]