Women’s inherent wisdom, honouring our bodies, our cycles ourselves. This was the topic yesterday on #Motherhood #LetsCreateAvillage. And here’s a sound byte as a preview to the conversation we had.
Trine Veiss Mikkelsen was my guest in studio and shared an enormous amount of insight and knowledge that we can carry into our daily lives as women navigating the many facets of womanhood.
Listen to the full conversation here.
Trine is a cherished friend and a healing force, and gifted therapist that supports women who are seeking support and a way through infertility, pms, endometriosis, and other health concerns and life experiences. Trine offers us a way to deepen our understanding and connection to our womb while awakening to the womb’s wisdom. Whether we want to “ birth a child or a cookbook “ as she said in our conversation ” it comes from the same place. It’s the same process.”
Enjoy the full conversation here.
Much wisdom is shared that we can offer to girls as they enter into womanhood, as the maiden, and as the maiden becomes the crone and as we become curious about our own natural body processes and evolution.
“ at her first bleeding a woman meets her power, during her bleeding years she practices it, at menopause she becomes it” a tradition native american saying.
Cheers to you on your journey.
As I quoted on the show from my favourite wise woman Dr. Christiane Northrup, she says “I often ask women to pay attention to what their bodies feel like in the moment. In order to heal our bodies, we have to re-enter them and experience them. “ And yes we most certainly do.
May you be invited in to yourself. You will discover such immense beauty and wisdom. The guidance you truly are looking for that will serve your highest good.
Cheers all. Thanks for tuning in.
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