This about sums up the grace I encountered at Kripalu in early September. I feel like I haven’t had enough moments to fully take it in, but surely ‘it’ is working through me. It was a weekend that pulled me to it and travelled deep within me, to the past, present and future. I am deeply grateful to Rev. Angel Kyodo Williams remarkable teacher and human being, and to the intimate circle and the amazing people that gathered. I am grateful that the moments aligned for me to be present to this experience.
#radicaldharma #doingthework#doingmywork #whiteness#compassion #responsibility#curiousity #selfcare #rootedinlove#ancestors #futuregenerations#seatoflove #healing#individualandcollective #justice#voicesthatcreatchange #podcast#julieinconversation #humility#humanity #angelkyodowilliams#revangelkyodowilliams#raisinghumans #raisingboys#motherhood #montreal #kripalu#kripalucenter #timeout #retreat
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