Radical dharma circle with rev. Angel Kyodo Williams at Kripalu. Widening my lens, dismantling, disrupting, learning, loving, always humbling.

By Julie Cusmariu – September 28, 2019

radical dharma circle


This about sums up the grace I encountered at Kripalu in early September. I feel like I haven’t had enough moments to fully take it in, but surely ‘it’ is working through me. It was a weekend that pulled me to it and travelled deep within me, to the past, present and future. I am deeply grateful to Rev. Angel Kyodo Williams remarkable teacher and human being, and to the intimate circle and the amazing people that gathered. I am grateful that the moments aligned for me to be present to this experience.

#radicaldharma #doingthework#doingmywork #whiteness#compassion #responsibility#curiousity #selfcare #rootedinlove#ancestors #futuregenerations#seatoflove #healing#individualandcollective #justice#voicesthatcreatchange #podcast#julieinconversation #humility#humanity #angelkyodowilliams#revangelkyodowilliams#raisinghumans #raisingboys#motherhood #montreal #kripalu#kripalucenter #timeout #retreat

Julie Cusmariu is a certified life coach, certified mentor coach, and intuitive consultant. She helps leaders and creative individuals trust their intuition and use their voice to create positive change, gain clarity, and lead with meaning and purpose. Julie is the host, creator, and producer of ‘Julie in Conversation’ a weekly live podcast with expert guests inspiring personal and collective change.
More About Julie

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