Breathe. You’ve arrived.

By Julie Cusmariu – September 9, 2019


Arriving requires acknowledgment doesn’t it? Wherever it is we are arriving. Be it a physical place or emotional place or mental place. Breathing grounds the arrival in our bodies. Here’s to noticing where we’ve arrived today, in this moment. 

I’m acknowledging arriving deeply rooted (and roots deepening by the day) into the school season, with time to reconnect to and recollect myself. I may be acknowledging this one for a while! Here’s to practices that help us be in our bodies, connecting to the wisdom of our body, feeling, sensing, knowing.

Come join my Dance Your Intuition dance night if you’re in Montreal. A sure way to connect you to the freedom and pleasure of being in your body. A moment to quiet the mental chatter and connect to what is true for you.

Julie Cusmariu is a certified life coach, certified mentor coach, and intuitive consultant. She helps leaders and creative individuals trust their intuition and use their voice to create positive change, gain clarity, and lead with meaning and purpose. Julie is the host, creator, and producer of ‘Julie in Conversation’ a weekly live podcast with expert guests inspiring personal and collective change.
More About Julie

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