Intuition through Silence

Cultivating moments of silence in your day will invite your inner world to come alive and be heard. In these moments, you are being offered inspiration and guidance from your intuition, your inner wisdom. How you are you creating time for silence in your day? (more…)

Loving what IS – A path to inner peace (and your intuition)

When we want something other than what is, we suffer. Byron Katie, teacher of The Work and author of various bestselling titles including A Thousand Names for Joy and Loving What Is, calls this arguing with reality. When our thoughts create stress in our life, Katie explains, we are attaching to our thoughts and believing […]

What is true for you, right now?

“Intuition is a spiritual faculty and does not explain, but simply points the way” — Florence Scovel Shinn What are you being led towards today? An easy way to find out is to keep checking in with yourself in each moment. Notice in the moment how you feel. Feeling good is a great way to […]

Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog! I am so glad you are here! I am excited to be posting my first entry! I am working on tweaking the design of this page to make it extremely user friendly and inviting. So stay tuned as changes occur.. Thank you for stopping by. I will be updating this page […]