Intuition and timing with Julie Cusmariu, Montreal Intuitive Life Coach, Podcast host

By Julie Cusmariu – December 17, 2018


Intuition Podcast


From the podcast this week: Intuition and timing.  Trusting the timing of things, relationships, creations, and life, really.

Am I pushing too much? Should I start this project now? Does it feel like I am forcing? Is your body offering you wisdom?

Can you sleep on it? Give it a a few days? It’s a practice. It’s a way of life. It’s a way of trusting and tuning into the wisdom of your body. Your body which is an energy receptor.

More on this podcast along with two intuitive readings with 2 wonderful listeners from Vancouver, Canada and Maryland, USA visit

Listen here

Thanks for tuning in. Cheers to you.

Julie Cusmariu is a certified life coach, certified mentor coach, and intuitive consultant. She helps leaders and creative individuals trust their intuition and use their voice to create positive change, gain clarity, and lead with meaning and purpose. Julie is the host, creator, and producer of ‘Julie in Conversation’ a weekly live podcast with expert guests inspiring personal and collective change.
More About Julie

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