Is intuition a gift?

By Julie Cusmariu – October 19, 2009

Close-up of green plant leaf

Is Intuition a Gift?

I’m often asked if intuition is something we are all endowed with. I always immediately reply with an absolute “yes, of course” followed by something like ” if you choose to listen to your intuition, it will grow louder and stronger and become a more intimate friend and wise personal inner guide”. Dr. Judith Orloff calls intuition your personal ” truth teller” . I love the accuracy and succinctness of this phrase.

The next thing I always share with inquiring individuals that I’ve learned about intuition is that the gift in intuition is not that we have intuition but it is what is revealed through our intuition that is the gift for us.

What is your intuition revealing to you? What is the gift being offered to you today?

When we notice we are being offered gifts in each moment we start to really honor and establish this sacred relationship with our interior world.

I’d love to hear you share your comments below about the gifts your intuition is offering you.


Julie Cusmariu is a certified life coach, certified mentor coach, and intuitive consultant. She helps leaders and creative individuals trust their intuition and use their voice to create positive change, gain clarity, and lead with meaning and purpose. Julie is the host, creator, and producer of ‘Julie in Conversation’ a weekly live podcast with expert guests inspiring personal and collective change.
More About Julie

One Response to Is intuition a gift?

  1. Rick March 11, 2010 at 8:46 am #

    It looks like you have a great site here Julie and work is quite interesting. I’ve been a strong believer in intuition for a number of years. I think that having intuition is a gift as much as being alive is a gift, or being able to feel the sun on your face on a late winter day is a gift.

    Sometimes we spent a lot of time asking the Universe or God to bring us good things or abundance, but it also helps to look around as you say and see what things are being offered to us this very minute.

    I found your site through the IONS site.

    All the best,

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