What is real, deep, transformative rest? How does rest differ from self-care? Listen to this 47 second sound byte of an excerpt from Karen Brody‘s powerful book Daring to Rest to find out her wise insight. Karen joined me in conversation on my podcast #Motherhood #LetsCreateAVillage and we had a fun and meaningful time talking motherhood, rest as a remedy, yoga nidra as medicine, feminine leadership and how the human experience is about both the being and the becoming. I really enjoyed speaking with Karen. She is delightful and wise. Let me know what you have gained from this conversation.
Much wisdom was shared. Karen is a pioneering woman leading us towards more deep rest and thriving. One take away that really resonated for me amidst many was that I need to PRIORITIZE rest. If I don’t make it a priority then it simply won’t happen. This sounds simple, yet with priority comes alignment, boundaries, and purpose. It calls forth focus and commitment. May you make space in your day for deep rest and may you make yourself and rest a priority.
As a Life Coach and Intuitive Consultant (based in Montreal) I support women leaders and creatives finding rest, a time to pause, so that they can hear the gentle whispers of their soul, their wise inner voice and thus lead with their heart and thrive.
May you create the space to experience deep rest and if you want to dive deeper into how I can support you with this, click here .
I look forward to meeting you and supporting you in connecting to your intuition.
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