Asha Frost, BA (Hon. Psych), DSHM is an Anishinaabe woman from Neyaashiinigmiing (Cape Croker). She is a Medicine Woman, Mentor and Visionary who believes that we heal when we awaken to the beautiful medicine that we carry within. She facilitates healing in her practice, through the use of Shamanic Healing, Homeopathy and Indigenous Based Ceremony. She is a teacher, leader and visionary and her purpose is to help people connect to the magic of spirit within their lives. Her intention is to help awaken the authentic self, so that we may remember who we truly are.
Listen to Asha Frost previously on the series #Motherhood #LetsCreateAVillage with Julie Cusmariu
Listen to Asha Frost previously on the series Voices That Create Change with Julie Cusmariu
Julie Cusmariu is a Montreal based Life Coach and Intuitive and the Producer and host of Julie in Conversation and this series, Voices That Create Change.
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